

Business headshots are a portrait of an individual that shows usually the executive team of the company. The headshots show the style and personality of the team. Typically business headshots will be produced digitally and used on the about page of a company’s website and professional profile sites such as LinkedIn. Business headshots portray the individual or corporate brand identity. For larger organizations, these images will be taken central frame with the same lighting and background setting. Photoshoot would be executed by Savio Xavier Pereira, Certified Fashion Photographer in Mumbai. Savio has over 10 years of experience in working for Various Corporate Companies around the globe prior to taking up photography on a full-time basis.We typically cover headshots in the local area, but are happy to travel further if needed. We've placed a serious effort on have developing a keen ear for listening to what our clients need. Rest assured, we know how to make the day go as smoothly and as stress-free as possible.